Unreal Physics is out now on PC on Steam and Epic Store

This devlog covers the development process that i went through to develop my free indie game Unreal Physics on Unreal Engine. It’s still a work in progress and i’ll likely update it as time goes on and add new levels and features. I’d like to make it into a collaborate project so if anybody has anything they want to contribute which they think would fit please reach out to me and we can discuss. The game’s out now on steam and epic store so have a play and let me know what you think, link’s below.

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Unreal Physics is a free to play exploration of in-game physics like never before, this dynamic 3D sandbox features a mesmerizing collection of demos, showcasing stunning visuals and realistic simulations. It’s a playground of endless possibilities where creativity meets the cutting edge of physics technology. It’s Free on PC on Steam and Epic Store available now.

Steam: Store.steampowered.com

Epic Store: Store.epicgames.com

Unreal Physics Website: Unrealphysics.com

Discord: Discord.gg

Twitter: Twitter.com

Instagram: Instagram.com

Facebook: Facebook.com

Tik Tok: Tiktok.com

Source: Indie DB