Earn a $20 Steam gift card code and a chance to win a $100 gift card code. 

Introducing BioFusion, a co-op multiplayer, PvE, first-person-shooter, tower defense game. Swing on a grappling hook, ride a hovercraft, throw grenades, collect buffs, build towers and traps. Do what you must to keep the mutants from the Spores of Evolution. Demo coming soon to itch.io!

Itch page: https://pcubedvr.itch.io/biofusion

How to Participate

  1. Wishlist us on Steam. https://store.steampowered.com/app/2170380/BioFusion/
  2. Join our Discord https://discord.gg/xGE78wk and post your Steam name in the “giveaways” channel.
  3. Kill 10 witches!


  1. Entry to a raffle for a $100 Steam gift card code.
  2. $20 Steam gift card code (limit: 30).
  3. Free light saber skin


Midnight October 15 PST* to Midnight November 15 PST*

Important Notes

  1. We will livestream the raffle draw on our Steam page at midnight November 15 PST*.
  2. Winners will be direct-messaged in discord. It is crucial you post your Steam name in our Discord channel “giveaways”. Otherwise, we may not be able to identify you in Discord.
  3. If you are not from North America, you may experience server lag.
  4. If you want to exchange gift cards for a different currency, please let us know in advance. We will look for the Steam gift card with the currency of your choice.
  • Pacific Standard Time

Source: itch.io