Beyond the works of Lem, were there other movies, books, or video games that inspired your work on The Invincible?Ostrycharz:

Apart from the works of Stanisław Lem, we took inspiration from science itself and from the history of mankind’s conquest of the universe, as The Invincible has a narrative full of hard sci-fi knowledge. Besides that, we wanted our game to resemble, in some way, the personal journey players went through in Firewatch and the feeling of an underlying threat present in Alien: Isolation. But, even though we analyzed many references, we remained focused on Lem’s grand vision of retro sci-fi, a very unique concept in video games.

Can you walk us through how you came up with the audioscape for the game?

Brunon Lubas, Music Designer: Together with our audio designers, Brunon Lubas and Łukasz Kindel, we’ve set a couple of principles to follow. We decided to avoid the hi-fi, cyber futuristic feel, focusing instead on older technologies like a radio or a tape. Sound effects had to be immersive, but not overly realistic, as we chose the feeling over the picture-perfect realism in our visuals. While creating the acoustic instruments, we wanted them to represent humanity, its achievements and culture, and the eerie, experimental sounds to underline the mystery of Regis III.

The studio recently had a public demo for the game. Was there anything you learned from the response and the playthroughs to this or previous demos that you’re implementing in the game’s development?

Markuszewski: A release of a demo is like a treasure chest when it comes to community’s feedback. At Poznań Game Arena, we heard quite a few times that our VOs lack emotions, so we changed them—and the feedback from the next demo at LudoNarraCon shows that it was a good decision. Some people had problems with optimization (FPS dropping, bugs connected to area transitions) or unsupported screen resolutions, but we still have some time to improve their future experience and we plan to use their feedback to the fullest before the game is out.

Source: Unreal Engine Blog