Our latest batch of free online learning courses is ready and waiting for you to explore. December’s offering tackles everything from bringing SketchUp projects into Unreal Engine 5 to setting up a virtual camera controlled by the Live Link VCam app. Take a look!

SketchUp to Unreal Engine

In this course, you’ll learn how to convert SketchUp projects to Unreal Engine 5 with ease. We cover how to organize SketchUp scenes and UV map objects with the SketchUV plugin in preparation for export. Then, we explore how to import your SketchUp scene using Datasmith for a one-way conversion or use the Direct Link to update SketchUp and Unreal Engine scenes at the same time.We go on to explain some built-in lighting options using HDRI backdrops to give scenes realistic lighting, before finally looking at how to take a high-resolution image of your scene or create an interactive walkthrough.

Source: Unreal Engine Blog