To address these barriers, Unity and Meta Immersive Learning worked together to design the Create with VR Grant program, which aims to reduce the VR learning gap by:

  1. Increasing access to the hardware and software needed to create and consume VR content
  2. Increasing educator preparation and offering resources for teaching VR creation

VR headset distribution

This spring, Meta Quest 2 VR headsets were made available to secondary and post-secondary education institutions that applied to the grant program. Applications were selected based on the applicant institutions’ current and future plans for teaching VR, as well as the demographic makeup of their student bodies and their unique challenges related to accessing funding.

Educator training

In concert with the distribution of VR headsets, the Create with VR for Educators professional development training opened for registration in April 2022, offering a crash course in technical skills and pedagogical approaches for teaching VR effectively.

School representatives, educators, IT administrators, and lab leaders of all skill levels were encouraged to sign up for the training, which consists of live, online sessions supplemented by self-paced learning and virtual office hours.

“The Create with VR Grant bridges the digital divide, affording meaningful interactions and experiences with VR for our students. Whether they are creators, gamers, or engaged in immersive learning, the Create with VR Grant allows us to integrate VR/AR/XR lessons across disciplines and programs. This access builds technical literacy and inspires innovation. We are excited about what is now possible.” – Jenny Hanson, Director, Film & New Media and Online and Blended Learning Pedagogies, Augsburg University

By jointly addressing access to hardware and educator preparation, the grant program aims to put high-quality VR education within reach for teachers and students who might otherwise miss out.

Source: Unity Technologies Blog