Artists – no matter their expertise – need a place to quickly import, iterate on, and refine their art. In Unity, there has yet to be a simple starting point for importing one asset and manipulating its environment to determine and visualize iteration pathways. Now we want to speed up the process for artists like you to get started in Unity.

That’s where LookDev Studio comes in. Its feature set makes it easier to import, visualize, validate, debug, compare, and develop high-quality visuals of your assets from the Unity platform.

The LookDev Studio layout has been streamlined with fewer tabs for a more artist-focused interface that offers easy access to your models, materials, and textures. This way, you don’t have to worry about folder hierarchies or other (sometimes unnecessary) components.

At present, LookDev Studio is a prototype targeted toward artists working in Unity’s High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP). Its feature set currently prioritizes the ability to import and view individual assets and small dioramas under various light conditions.

We would love to hear what you think about the LookDev Studio prototype so far, and where you see it within the overall Unity ecosystem. Read on to the end of this blog post to learn more about how you can share valuable feedback that will directly impact the development of this latest product.

Source: Unity Technologies Blog