A Witness-like 2d game. Will you find the three secret elephants?


Hello! Thank you for checking out this post!

I am a big fan of the game The Witness by Jonathan Blow and his team, so I started working on a 2d fangame with a lot of puzzles and mysterious areas to explore. If you played the Witness and enjoyed it, or if you just like brainy exploration games, you might have a nice time unravelling the secrets of this little world!

Here’s the link to the game’s page: (I worked hard on making it look nice!)

The first outdoor area looks something like this:
The main gate of the intro area

And this is one of the many puzzles in the game (you’ll have to discover the rules by yourself):
An early puzzle being solved

The game is currently at a prototype stage, with a total of three different areas to explore, but I plan on developing it into something bigger in the future.

Thank you for reading, have a nice day !

Source: itch.io