Hey all!

Wanted to join both the Wowie 3 and Incremental Game Jam 2021,  but as time was short I was looking if I can make a game that fits both of the topics: a) Failure is Progress  b) Light

So with just 2 days time I managed to come up with an idea where you are The Keeper of The Light, the last light in the universe. It is your task to protect the light from fanatical orbs who are trying to dim the light and see the universe come to an end. You can place defensive towers which are powered by the light, as you get stormed by waves of ever-increasing enemies.

I wanted to keep the scope small, but also make the game enjoyable and give it a loop that can be played quite for a while. So I decided to keep the art style simple and clean, opting to go with primary colors:

This gave me the opportunity to focus a bit more on polish, as I wanted to add at least some animations, juice and most importantly good sound. And boy, the sound is great (imho)! I’ve partner with AudioJim who prepared some really cool sound effects and an even better music.

Here’s a quick vid of the core gameplay and some of the sound effects:


– When the light starts dimming out you gain massive attack boosts
– Never-ending waves of enemies
– Losing is not the end, but only a way to become more powerful (I’ll leave that to you to figure out)

We wanted to add some more features, but the 2 days were creeping up fast, and we decided to rather finish the core well. But we might continue development, and add additional features such as more tower upgrades, different tower purposes, different enemy types and all that good stuff. As well as put more emphasis of making this something action-packed and less “slow” like most TD games out there.

Game Engine
The game is made in HTML/JavaScript with no engine. I wanted to use this project to test a game framework I’ve built up over a few games we made at work, to see how this custom “niche/market” specific framework compares to others making games with Engines, so we can see if we should in the future move to just using a popular engine. I’m pretty happy with how things worked out, as I was also spending 30% of the time adapting the framework to support some features, so unless we decide to completely decide to change the style of games we are working on (and where we are publishing them), this might be more effective for us over moving to an engine.

I’d be happy if you give it a look and let me know what you think (no download required):

Note: The game was made in 2 days, so balancing might be a bit off, and some features are very basic (i.e. upgrade system). But it can still give you an enjoyable experience šŸ™‚
** The game currently does NOT have a save system – if you refresh the browser any progress will be lost

Source: itch.io