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You start the game as a virgin who only saw a naked woman in an old erotic magazine and have absolutely no skills in sex. But as you spend time with the girls in bed, you acquire new skills and learn new styles for the poses you have learned to please the ladies as long as possible.

Demo’s main features:

  1. Three unique character: Alice, Shaartan and Yotra will not let You get bored! Each girl has her own unique pose and her own lines.

  1. Pose upgrade system: Each pose can be slightly varied by opening a separate pose style. Each pose has 3 styles.

  2. Leveling system: for each act with one of the girls, you get experience and levels. When you get a level, you can upgrade one of the five unique skills that will allow You to stay in the act as long as possible.

  1. Dynamic camera: Provides an alternative to a third-person camera. This camera will allow you to add some variety to the process in the form of a certain cinematography.

  2. Save system: unlike the main game, in this demo, all your progress will be saved when you exit the game and automatically loaded when you start it.

  3. The atmosphere: The game recreates the autumn atmosphere with rain and thunderstorms for a better immersion.
