By: Juan Linietsky Feb 16, 2018

Spreading the word about Godot

Me and other Godot devs will be present at GDC 2018. The plan is to push Godot more into the corporate world.

For this, the idea is meeting with devs or decisionmakers within companies, so we can do a very short
presentation with key points about the project, explain why Godot can be a suitable technology for their needs, and which clear advantages it has over similar, proprietary technologies.

Meeting in person is an excellent way to strengthen bonds, and to allow the developers we meet to later get in touch with us for anything they might need.

We need your help for this to happen

While we can use existing tools such as GDC website, Linkedin, Twitter, etc. to reach developers, nothing beats word of mouth to efficiently reach a critical mass.

If you know devs, producers, decisionmakers, etc. (or you ar such person) in a company that is attending GDC this year, and if you believe they might be interested in hearing more about Godot (and meeting personally with core developers), please ask them to meet with us! If they like the idea, please send them my way and do an e-mail introduction to me (juan AT godotengine DOT org).

Pretty demo material

We also need pretty material to show at GDC. I’ve seen plenty of beautiful games being made with both Godot 2 and Godot 3. If you can create a 15 seconds clip of your game (in 1920×1080 max) and send it to: “contact AT godotengine DOT org” we will be eternally grateful.


Will you be going to GDC and want to get together for beers? Of course also contact me about that (mail above).

See you there!

Source: Godot Engine Official