CHECK OUT Kill Your Dreams RPG in itch.iošŸŽ‰

Kill Your Dreams RPG is a small, minimalistic, very rules-lite mini-TTRPG. In my honest opinion, it is with its insides and outsides, an anarchistic, thought-provoking game that differs quite a lot from most tabletop- and paper and pen roleplaying games.  The game proudly states: “Capitalism murders”. 

I am so overwhelmingly happy that I managed to do what I promised earlier on Anarchy Jam’s Community. I really made the game and I submitted it in both jams I planned to put it. The 12-Word RPG Jam and the  Anarchy in the tabletop Jam. I am very excited that I really did it! Also, I am very proud of what I was able to make. I truly like the end result.

At least to me, Kill Your Dreams RPG  is a bit different than most of the RPG stuff floating around.  It’s cool, witty, and funny. I honestly think that. That’s also the basic reaction that I got from people who saw this before it got published. 

Check out the game at

And some more info is available in:…

Wishing You all Great Gaming Sessions!

-Krisse Tuominen-
