UPDATE: I didn’t want to spoil this until I had something to show but I can’t resist: I’m doing a collaboration with FiRez so, some pretty neat stuff is coming! (note: I won’t get rid of the original girls you see below, I’ll probably keep them as unlockable content).

Hey there. So I shared this on Twitter and Reddit but totally forgot about the community, it’s our first game ever, Sassy Snake. When I say “our” or “we” I mean just me, it’s just a one dude team for now at least (graphics and programming).

The goal is to end up creating, if not the best, at least a great version of the classic Snake Game, right now we’re talking about a beta.

We love pixelated stuff, but we have a strict pixel-perfect policy. That said, we found our ideal resolution: 320×180. While this may be too low for some people, it’s perfect for scaling up while maintaining the correct square-shaped pixels (as they should always be).

This is how the image scales up in windowed mode (960×540):

720p (1280×720):

Full HD (1920×1080):

And the same goes for WQHD (2560×1440) and 4K (3840×2160). So that makes a total of 5 different sizes supported (including windowed mode), 4 of which are very common physical screen resolutions. This may not be a big deal but we’re proud of it, Heil Pixel Perfection! (Also, the default video Filter is “CRT” but it can be deactivated in Options screen).

Along with the planned features listed in the game page and the awesome FiRez designs which are not here yet, we’re also planning some quality of life changes, like optional backgrounds, parallaxing and hi-res renders (with a proper zoom tool) (and please note, this is just an example illustration using one of the FiRez designs, credits to him). Right now we’re just playing around and see what looks cool!

Source: itch.io