I’ve spent the last couple of days Fixing and optimizing a whole bunch of things, so I wanted to give a bit of an update on what’s been done and what to expect in the upcoming release. Available September 9th on Steam…

I’ll get to right away, though you’ll not see them as they were, they definitely matter when it comes to a fun and immersive experience…

  • Large Missiles on the Desert Boss have a more robust destruction effect
  • Walking sound volume for DaKoo has been turned down slightly
  • Removed some cloud art work
  • Added Dynamic sun FX
  • Fixed the shield when Shield power falls to zero, so it does not come back on without being prompted to do so
  • Glow on the initial attaching of the triple barrel for the rocket ship is now activated when the player is already shooting
  • Fixed and realigned the shadows for the attack animations for DaKoo
  • Re-worked the Pogo stick animation for DaKoo
  • Fixed save feature so the tutorial level can be saved
  • MoonBlade obstacle has had it’s z order reworked to always be in the path of the player
  • tweaked background art

There will be more things worked on when I get player feed back. Thanks for your time and interest



Check out the Steam Store, Link Below

Here are a few screenshots…




Source: Indie DB